Why B2B enterprises terminally disappoint their customers, prospects and shareholders

Posted by: Conrad Wilson DipM, MSc, MBA
Category: Uncategorized

Be honest: have you ever spent money on a website or an email advert and left feeling totally disappointed with the lack of results that you got? Well, you’re not alone!

Every year, millions of pounds are spent (in the UK alone) on graphically impressive websites, adverts, campaigns, brochures and emails that end up doing nothing significant in terms of generating extra sales or even covering the money spent on them.

Each marketing campaign should provide your business with as many prospects and clients as you can handle.

Sadly, most marketing ‘assets’ are doing nothing or, even worse, putting people off from booking with you.

Many establishments have no idea how their websites, adverts, sales letters or brochures are performing for them.

This is a BIG MISTAKE.

Growing your marketing operations is a scientific process. There is no guesswork involved. Yet what I have seen from some of the largest and most prestigious establishments is a lack of marketing fundamentals that when done right can rapidly increase enquiries, brochure downloads, bookings and consulting fees.

There is a strong chance that customer gains to your business will exceed 20% if not within 20 days then certainly over a period of 12 months.

The key is to focus on several areas of marketing that is traditionally ripe for improvement.

The emphasis is on engineering improvements across your sales and marketing process, leading to more awareness, enquiries, appointments and, when done right, revenues.

I’ve made subtle changes that resulted in 6400% boost in conversions without increasing the marketing budget. You can achieve these results as well.

Be in total control of your marketing results.

You control your business or at least the marketing of this. And when you apply a process of systematic improvement, you will guarantee bigger response to your advertisements, emails, banners, classified advertising, postcards, sales pitches, direct mails and any other marketing method or channel that you use.

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Author: Conrad Wilson DipM, MSc, MBA